About this blog

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My personal blog has been around for 20 years since I posted the first article in June 2004, and by 2024, I have written a total of 328 articles. This means I have posted about 16 articles per year. The blog covers a variety of personal topics, so the density of the articles is low, and there are not many visitors.

Recently, due to various personal changes, I have had more time to organize my thoughts and write articles. As a result, I have written several articles, most of which are about the field of drug discovery, which I have been involved in throughout my life.

It is not easy to keep doing something consistently. I believe that habits shape a person's life. Life will continue to change, so it won't be easy to keep writing consistently in the future, but I plan to keep writing for now. It would be great to get a lot of feedback, but even if I can resonate strongly with someone's mind once, that would be even better. I think leaving some mark on someone's life is more meaningful than getting numerous likes because I am also being changed by other people's thoughts and writings.